Immune Booster
Boost your Immune System Naturally
For optimal performance, the (Blood Purifier) Acid Cleanser should be taken one day after using the Power House.
Used for Acid re-flux, Mucus on the Chest, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Fibroid, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Erectile Dysfunction, Heart Burns, Asthma and Hot flashes.
Diabetes has no respect for age or gender. Research has shown that diabetes claims more lives than cancer and AIDS. An American dies every 3 minutes, and this is attributed to diabetes. It is also the number 1 cause of kidney failure, stroke, blindness as well as heart failure.
So, what brings about diabetes?
Diabetes is a disorder of the body, triggered when the human body does not process food properly for use as energy. When we ingest food, the body processes that food and turns it to glucose which the body then uses to expend energy. An organ that is positioned near the stomach called the pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone that helps the glucose permeate the cells of the body. Diabetes is also triggered when your body refuses to produce enough insulin or does not adequately use the insulin that is available. This causes excess glucose to accumulate in the blood as well as an imbalance between the HDL and LDL cholesterol levels. People who are suffering from diabetes have LDL particles that stick to the arteries, thereby damaging the walls of blood vessels. The herbs used in our Acid Cleanser, helps to rid your body of obstructions and infections and also helps your body to heal itself naturally.
Our products are known to clean your internal organs such as the Liver, Colon, Kidney, Lungs, and Blood. They are ideal for burning away your belly fat.
Our Products contains: No Artificial Flavoring, Additives, Preservatives or Added Sugars. Since these ingredients are not in our products, it will give you the full benefits of the herbal plants.
We grow over 90 percent of our own herbs that we use to make our product such as Aloe Vera, Sour Sop Leaves, Moringa, Garlic, Dandelion, King of the forest, Peppermint, Anamu(Guinea Hen) and Jack in the Bush
1 Day Detox
BIn order to maintain optimum health, it is important to remove toxins from the body so your body can function properly. Cleansing your colon has never been more important especially that our bodies are exposed daily to so many chemicals, pollution, additives in our foods and toxins. Having toxic buildups in our bodies can certainly take its toll on the colon and can have a negative impact on our body’s overall health. Having a clean colon makes your digestive system more effective,increases your energy levels, helps with weight loss, prevents constipation and improves your overall health and well being. So why Use Green Valley Cleanser 1 Day Colon Cleanse Detox? When it comes to our customers’ satisfaction, we have one rule: settle for nothing but the best. That’s why we only use the finest and freshest herbs that are guaranteed to deliver nothing but the best results.
Our 1 Day Colon Detox Helps to:
Detoxifies entire body
Promotes healthy digestion
Alleviates stomach ache
Encourages weight loss
Increase your Energy
Support Your Overall Colon Health
Improve Natural Bowel movements
Cleans the Colon, Liver, Kidney and Lungs
Rejuvante your cells
Achieve Healthier Skin
Stronger immune system
Our 1 Day Colon Cleanse Detox is gentle on the stomach and will not gripe. Requires Only 1 detox every 30 days for Optimum Health ADD TO CART NOW and reap all the benefits this effective herbal supplement has to offer!
Jack'na bush(Eupatorium Odoratum), Moringa, Aloe Vera, Garlic, Sour Sop Leaf, Guinea hen weed( Anamu)
Shake well before each use. We recommend 8 ounces every 30 days. Must be Kept Refrigerated
*Note: Results May Vary
For someone suffering from constipation, if after taking the first Power House and not having more than three bowel movement within 24 hours. You will need to take another 8 oz whenever time is permissible to get a through cleanse. The Power House will not gripe your stomach.